The Man Who Kept Christmas

Once there was a man
who enjoyed the Spirit of Christmas
that he decided to keep it always.
So he put it in a large jar
and set it on the mantelpiece,
where it gave a lovely glow all
through the Christmas season.

Soon after, however,
there was quite a to-do,
what with packing away the lights
and ornaments and the manger scene,
and getting the tree out of the house
without it shedding too many needles.

Somewhere along the line,
the jar with the Christmas Spirit
disappeared, and no one seemed
to know where it had gone.

Months later,
when rummaging about the attic,
the man discovered
the jar once more;
and he was shocked to
find the glow was gone.
All gone!
All that remained was a small,
hard, black clinker that
rattled thinly as he shook it.

The man brought the jar
downstairs and regarded it
thoughtfully for a long time.
he decided to do something about it.
Before he went to bed that night,
he got a little brown paper bag
and filled it with some odds
and ends he hadn't used for months.

During the days that followed,
he distributed these odds and ends
as he went about his daily duties:
A pinch of Good Cheer here;
a wish of Good Will there; some Charity,
some Thoughtfulness - some Love.

And lo behold!
One night he came home to find
his jar of Christmas Spirit
glowing brightly as ever,
shedding its radiance throughout
the home and into the dark night beyond.

And ever since,
he has kept the
Spirit of Christmas glowing.
Author Unknown

May you always be covered in God's pure Love!
Merry Christmas to one and all!

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