Christmas Past

Christmas Past

Christmas Past

Flashing colored lights
a Christmas tree of green,
memories of Christmas past,
the things we've done and seen.

Times with family friends and loved ones,
of laughter, fun and good cheer.
Opening up Christmas presents,
awaiting the coming New Year.

I think of Christmas past,
the fun on Christmas day,
all the presents around the tree,
we just couldn't wait to play.

Christmas is just not the same,
we're all grown up and gone,
I think of Christmas past
singing to Christmas songs.

One thing that will never change,
is the love I have for you,
You're always in my heart,
all the year through.

So take this poem and Christmas past,
and hold it near your heart,
For you know
that I will be with you,
even if we are apart.

So when you are feeling bad,
and you don't know what to do,
just think of Christmas past,
and the love I am sending you.

For I am giving you something more,
than money could ever buy,
The Love From a Brother To a Sister!
Merry Christmas
I Love You.

In Loving Memory of My Sister
Jo-Ann Miessau
Born Feb.16,1961
Died May 17,1991
Written by Lenny Miessau
All rights protected
You are always in our hearts.
Love You Mom

~Merry Christmas to one and all!!~ ~May you always be covered in God's pure Love!!~

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