A Very Special Birth

A Very Special Birth

So long ago, in Bethlehem,
in a stable filled with hay,
A newborn King 'named Jesus'
was born on Christmas Day.
From the virgin Mary was
this little lad conceived;
The Lamb of God,
a Savior for all
those who believed.

All the hosts of angels
gathered 'round this King,
so small,
While the wise men
offered gifts to Him
in His little wooden stall.
The animals were quiet as
they gazed upon His face,
For, they, also, knew
He was a child of God;
so filled with love and grace.

The brightest star in Heaven
shone down where Jesus lay
And people came, from miles around,
to worship Him and pray.
They knew they'd found their Savior,
sent from God upon His throne;
The one and only 'King of Kings'
they had waited for, so long.

So' now,
it's time to celebrate
the birth of Jesus Christ,
The son God sent from Heaven
to give us all eternal life.
Let's remember,
as we gather 'round to
worship Him and pray,
That His birth is why we celebrate
and it's not just another holiday.

Let's keep Christ in Christmas,
and say, "Merry CHRISTmas,"
Not "Happy Holidays".
© 2007 Poetry by
Vickie Lambdin
Used with permission

~Merry CHRISTmas to one and all!!~ ~Wishing you God's pure Love!!~

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