Joanie Writes

Joanie Writes

My Dear Friend Joanie Writes
Winter is Still Here"
How well I know this as I look
outside my home!!!!
Icicles are 3 feet long and dripping
all the day.
Deep snow is shoveled...
but just won't go away!!!!

Plows are going back and
fourth, to prepare the street
We cannot use our cars.....but we
could try and use our feet!

Alas, it has been too long since
we went trudging in the snow
And now at our age, our feet
don't want to go!!!!

So here we are.....looking at
our pretty snow......
At the same time, asking God
to make it go!!!!
! Will He hear our plea that is
coming from the heart....
. Or will He think a few more inches
won't make us fall apart?????

We have even seen some robins whom
we think are so confused
That they thought spring was on the
way and they were not amused!
So Lady Spring must be in hiding
and surely will not appear,
Unless she feels we had enough of
snow and ice , this year!!!

So hope it won't be long before
we hear and smell spring
And if so, I hope my friend Joan
will want to sing.......
Along w/the birds.....chirping away

And seeing the flowers bloom
on a beautiful spring day,
And then I will write to her
and say.
Hey , Joanie guess what? Winter
has finally gone away!!!!!
By Grace Capozzi @ /2014
All rights Protacted
Used with permission

~May you always be covered in God's pure love!~

Thank you for visiting with me..


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