Santa's Workshop

Santa's Workshop

Just a week before Christmas
and all through the shop
All the Elves had been working
with nary a stop.

There was boxes and bundles
and packages galore.
Cover benches and tables
and most of the floor...

It was a right busy time,
as most everyone knows,
And all of the workers
kept right on their toes.

Making wagons and bugles
and little toy trains,
Wrapping dollies and dishes,
baby carriages and games.

At the head of the table
sat the number one Elf,
The wonderment of all childhood,
Old Santa himself.

His square little spectacies
were at the tip of his nose
And a old leather apron
reached down to his toes.

He was working very quickly
and his fingers fairly flew,
What with hammering and painting
and using pots full of glue.

He was a master of crafts,
this jolly old Saint,
And his tods were all dusty
and spattered with paint.

At his side lay a ledger,
quite worn with the years,
That was wrinkled with happiness
and freckled by tears.

The enters of names,
made by a fine gentle hand,
Told the timeless history of childhood
from every faraway land.

The work at last was completed
the tools all put away
And twenty-four tiny Elves
began to load the sleigh.

T'was a bright colored sleigh,
more famous each year,
That was carefully attended
by eight tiny Reindeer.

With frolicksome,joyful,
elfinlike fun
The sorting of presents
was finally begun.

"Hurry now,"
exclaimed old Santa,
"We've just a week to go,
And we have to finish loading
before the Christmas snow."

For the list this year is longer
of places to extend our joy
"And we must be careful
not to forget a single girl or boy."

By Joan Miessau 12-23-1966
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Merry Christmas
And May God Bless You All!
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