Snow Falling In The Country

Snow Falling In The Country

Snow Falling In The Country

Drifting down from a sky of pewter-gray
Snowflakes are frosting the landscape today,
And I watch from the window in delight
Quite dazzled by the sudden cloak of white.

Fences are transformed into fragile lace
And the old red barn is a royal place.
Winding paths are now topped with whipped cream
And the scene looks like a lovely dream.

The waiting mailbox is a cupcake with meringue;
Woods are strangely still where once birds sang.
Pines stand so stately in new ermine robes
And the boxwoods are now glittering globes.

Then a Deer cautiously enters the scene,
only to disappear in snow-flecked green.
Oh, snowfall in the country, dazzling white !
Winter is a beautiful time of year.

Joan Miessau 11--28--1959
All rights Protacted

~Merry Christmas and God Bless everyone!~ ~May you always be covered in God's pure love~

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