Christmas is the Season

Christmas is the Season

Christmas is the season of Love.
At no other time of the year,
it seems do genuine warmth
and affection seem so natural.
Friends are remembered,
Family ties are bound more tightly,
and the whole world is a
brighter, cleaner place.
Christmas feels good!

Whether the day breaks cold
and tingling or warm and sultry,
There's that unmistakable something
in the air everywhere that says
And in tinsel-hung capital Letters.
It's a special time for everyone.
Children greet the morning sauser-eyed
at the tree and the gaily wrapped
wonders beneath it.
Grown-ups wake to find the most important
things all about them in those they love.
For Christmas is a family time...
A time for being with the ones you love.
A time for a happy ring of the telephone
A time for the joyful peal of the front doorbell.
A time for reaching out across the months
and the miles to share a happy event.
"Home for Christmas"
is more than a put phrase.
It means a bounding up the steps,
a hearty hug, and a spell of
breathless chattering.
"Home for Christmas"
can be the three most
important words of the season,
for one is a very lonely number
when the bells begin to peal on
Christmas Eve and lights begin
to glow in the early winter evening.
Christmas is so many things...
So many good things.
It's snow sifting down on a quit town..
The bright lights and decorations..
The last minute shopping..
Happy cards coming and coming
and coming with each mail call..
The Merry Christmas songs
and the gentle sacred carols..
the glorious kitchen smells
filling an entire home...
The mistletoe and the laughter..
The opening of the gifts...
The being with each other.
It's a time for going to church
to hear again that old , old
story of Bethlehem and the star
and baby Child born in the manger,
so humbly.
It's the time for prayers
of gratitude for the day.
This Life.
And running through every celebration of Christmas..
There is the music everyone knows and Loves.
The warmth and the feeling of Christmas are here.
They bring to you the happiest,
warmest, sinerest wishes of
this season of Love!!

~Merry Christmas to one and all!!~ ~Wishing you God's pure Love!!~

Thank you for visiting with me!
This time of the year!

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