Your Achievements In Life




Your achievements in life
Encouragement think back to when
you were young and received
encouragement from a parent,
teacher or coach before an exam
or big event.

They told you that you could do
it and without hesitation
you believed them.

You felt more confident and
better equipped to achieve the
success they said could be yours.

Well guess what?
This will still Work today.
And even better..

You have a coach with you,
deep inside, every moment of
the day-your inner coach!

Now is the best
time to let it trust and
guide you, it's one of the
best things you can do
for your self image.

Remind yourself of your achievements
in life the career goals
you've met, friendships you have built,
the home you've made or
the places you've visited.

These are all amazing accomplishments
and you have happened because
of the incredible skills and talents
you possess.

The more you remember these triumphs,
the stronger your trust becomes
the more you will achieve.
Author Unknown

May You always be covered by God's pure love!

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