Christmas in Broward County

Christmas in Broward County

'Twas the night before Christmas

and all thru the towns

No noses were frozen-No snow coming down,

No children with flannels were tucked into bed.

They wore their shorty pajamas instead.

To find a wreaths of holly was not very hard,

for holly trees grew right in the back yard.

In the front yard were Daddy and Mom,

Adorning the bushes and coconut palms.

The slumbering Kiddies were dreaming in glee,

Hoping they'd find water skis under the tree.

They knew that Santa was well on his way.

In a Automobile instead of a sleigh.

He whizzed up the highway and zoomed down the road.

In a station wagon delivering his load.

The tropical moon gave the cities a bright glow.

And lighted up the way for Santa below.

As he jumped from his auto and gave a weak chuckle.

He was dresses in Bermuda's and an ivy league bukle.

There was no chimmeys-but that caused him no gloom,

For Santa came right straight thru the Florida room.

He stopped at every house-but stayed only a minute

To empty his pack and the stuff that was in it.

And before he departed he treated himself

To a glass of orange juice that was left on the shelf.

Then he turned with a jerk and bounced back to his car!

Remembering he had yet to go very far.

Then he shifted the gears and stepped on the gas.

And up U.S. 1 he went like a flash.

And I heard him exclaim as he sped on his way.

How I wish I could stay."

J. Miessau 12-1987
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