A Small Boy's Prayer

Make Sure My Daddy Has A Christmas Tree

A Small Boy's Prayer
As I walked to a neighbor's house
one Christmas Day
A chill came over me,
As I heard a small voice begin to pray.

Dear God, way up in Heaven,
I'm just a child of only three
And I don't know much about praying,
So I'm hopin'
You'll please hear me.

You know my daddy's gone this Christmas,
and I feel it's on account of me

So if you would Dear God,
Make sure my Daddy has a Christmas Tree

You know my Daddy didn't have the money
To shop and go downtown,
And the ONLY reason he stole those toys
Was because he didn't want to let me down.

And prison is a place for those
who are really bad,
And Dear God,
You know my Daddy's good,
And all that me and Mommy had.

So, if you would Dear God,
I'm askin' you, if you only will,
To somehow in that dark place,
Let a little Christmas light shine on him
From heaven above,
And let him know that
Mom and me have
The best gift of all.
Because he gave His Love.

So Dear God,
please do a favor for me.
Please make sure my Daddy
Has a Christmas Tree.
Thank you God . Amen
Poem by: Gayle Alatia

~Merry Christmas to one and all!!~ May you be covered in God's pure Love!!

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