No Snow For Me

No Snow For Me

No Snow For Me
You speak of snow and how you love it
And I think I understand
It makes everything look so pretty and clean
This white blanket that caresses the land.

But I want it gone the very next day
If not I have to shovel the snow
It's back breaking work I'm here to tell ya.
Especially if the wind does blow.

So take a picture and forward it to me
I'll envision you frolicking about
Making snowman and angels all
over the place
Having lots of fun no doubt.

I'm not as young as I use to be
And the cold weather makes my body ache.
So I'll stay inside all toasty and warm
The snow and cold weather I just can't take!
Chee Chee Martin @ 2006>

May You always be covered with God's pure love!


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