My Christmas Wishes For You

My Christmas Wishes For You
During this holiday season
My wishes for you are clear;
Be in good health, your world at peace;
Your hearts filled, overflowing with cheer.

If we all take the time to remember
What the birth of Jesus should mean to us
We would give love and smiles to all we see,
And be thoughtful to all others this Christmas.

Theres no need to empty your wallets
Or spend wildly with abandon or speed;
When a kindly word, deed, or smile
Is priceless to that one in need.

Those in need may be down in spirit,
Lost, forlorn, in a world set apart,
Or old, forgotten, considered useless
By-passed by those not knowing
to give from the heart.

So during this joyful holiday season
Give the gifts that are thoughtful and dear;
Give not so much the things people crave
Just give something free from within,
the gift of cheer.
Wynona Mitchell McKinney ©2005
Thank you for the use of your poem.

~Merry Christmas to one and all!!~ ~Wishing you God's pure Love!!~

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