The Twelve Days Of Christmas

12 Days Of Christmas

Did you know that
the 12 days of Christmas
is a religious song?
Well, it is!!!
The song was written
by Catholics in England.
Each phase has a different meaning!
They are as follows:

The "true love" refers to God
The "me" refers to each believer
He Partridge in a pear tree is
Jesus Christ on the cross

The 2 turtle doves are the
Old and New Testaments

The 3 French hens are
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

The 4 calling birds are the 4 gospels

The 5 gold rings are
The first 5 books of the Bible
(Books of Moses)

The 6 Geese A-Laying are
The 6 days of creation

The 7 Swans A-Swimming are
The 7 gifts of th spirit

The 8 Maids A-Milking are
The 8 beatitudes

The 9 Ladies Dancing are
The 9 fruits of the spirit

The 10 Lord A-Leaping are
The 10 Commandments

The 11 Pipers Piping are
The 11 apostles,excluding Judas

The 12 Drummers Drumming are
The 12 points in the Apostle's Creed

If you add-up all the gifts Christmas Day
you get 365!!
The numbers of days in a year!!
So every day is a gift from God!!!

May You always be covered in God's Pure Love!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!
Thank you for visiting with me.

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